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Clinical Studies

For over forty years, Lympha Press dynamic compression therapy systems have helped patients all over the world deal with lymphedema, chronic venous insufficiency, wounds, and lipedema. We’re the number one global brand in pneumatic compression for many reasons, including proven clinical evidence in over thirty peer-reviewed publications.

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Lymphedema treatment decreases pain intensity in lipedema

G. Szolnoky, E. Varga, M. Varga, M. Tuczai, E. Dósa-Rácz, L. Kemény. (2011) Lymphology, Dec;44(4), 178-82.
In this study, treatment with MLD, compression therapy and Lympha Press® with Lympha Pants™ reduced leg volume, capillary fragility and pain associated with lipedema.

Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy Decreases Capillary Fragility in Lipedema

Lymphology 2008 Dec;41(4):161-6. G Szolnoky , N Nagy, R K Kovács, E Dósa-Rácz, A Szabó, K Bársony, M Balogh, L Kemény
Lipedema is a disease of disproportionate fat deposition featuring frequent hematoma formation and easy bruising. Hematoma development may be caused by altered capillary resistance (CR) or altered capillary fragility (CF).

Improving limb salvage in critical ischemia with intermittent pneumatic compression: A controlled study with 18-month follow-up

Steven J. Kavros, DPM,a,c Konstantinos T. Delis, MD, MS, PhD, FRCSI, EBSQvasc,b Norman S. Turner, MD,a Anthony E. Voll, RN,a Davis A. Liedl, RN,c Peter Gloviczki, MD,b and Thom W. Rooke, MD,d Rochester, Minn
This paper by the Mayo Clinic was released in the Journal of Vascular Surgery in March of 2008.

Use of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression for Treatment of Upper Extremity Vascular Ulcers

David H. Pfizenmaier II, MD, DPM, * Steven J. Kavros, DPM;rt David A. Liedl, RR, RVf,:t and Leslie T. Cooper, MD,*§ Rochester, MN
A study showing upper extremity affects of the pump on vascular conditions of the arm.

Severe lymphedema of the arm as a potential cause of shoulder trauma

R. Avrahami, E. Gabbay, B. Bsharah, M. Haddad, A. Koren, J. Dahn, A. Zelikovski. (2004) Lymphology, 37, 202-205.
Patients with severe lymphedema and shoulder pain were treated with Lympha Press® and in-clinic MLD. Treatment decreased arm volume by an average of 170 ml, improved arm mobility and dramatically reduced pain.

The Effect of Lower Extremity Amputation Level with the use of an Intermittent Compression Pump in the High Risk Foot

Steven J. Kavros, DPM, Norman S. Turner, MD, Anthony E. Voll, RN, David A, Liedl, RN, RVT
This study shows the effects of compression pump therapy for pre and post amputation patients.