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Dr. Val Mills shares her fascinating story about growing up large with lipedema. The stigma and judgment she faced throughout her life never caused her to stop pressing forward toward her goals.
Published: 12 October, 2020
She's known as @PlusSize_and_Proud, but there was a time when she used to hide her body and was the target of cruelty. In this candid interview, Jennifer shares how surgery helped her lose weight, but led her on a path of addiction to pain pills. This strong and resilient woman says hers is a story of "rising ...
Published: 12 October, 2020
Discover how Lindsey Miller has been working with nutritionists to find the best foods that make her body feel good, changed the way she approaches fitness, and moved ahead with plans to have surgery to address the extra skin and lipedema in her stomach and lower back. And most of all, her message to "demand to ...
Published: 12 September, 2020
Amid crippling pain, Kelly Maynard faced many challenges in her lipedema journey.   Can you imagine gaining two sizes overnight? Or losing 10 sizes and NOT A SINGLE POUND?   Lipedema defies all conventional knowledge. Each person's journey is as individual as their DNA. Kelly Maynard just wanted ...
Published: 24 August, 2020
"To not be able to move as a dancer is to not remember who you were," shared Beth McKee Elliott. This moving interview about her lipedema journey offers hope to other women with mobility challenges. A cortisol cascade changed her body dramatically and for years she went undiagnosed. She now says, "My legs look ...
Published: 7 August, 2020
At 5'8" and 140 pounds, you might not think Andrea Wilson fits the mold of your average Lipedema Lady. But the more we learn, we understand there IS no mold. Learn about her journey to finally achieve a diagnosis, her three surgeries to remove painful fat, and how she is successfully managing her condition. You'll ...
Published: 27 July, 2020

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