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Diagnosed with lymphedema as a baby, Blanche Pepitone had her first surgery at 18 months old. Her parents and siblings raised her to live life fully, regardless of her condition, and that has been Blanche's lifelong credo: "You've got to decide how much living you want to do and do what it takes to live that ...
Published: 2 June, 2021
Mary Kastelberg was diagnosed with lymphedema at age 12. This is her story.
Published: 26 May, 2021
A gymnastics accident at age 15 left Alex Robinson with a fractured fibula...and a lymphedema diagnosis. Be inspired by her journey!
Published: 14 May, 2021
Amy Rivera is a powerful voice in the lymphedema community. Her Ninjas Fighting Lymphedema Foundation offers help and support that she wished for on the journey to a lymphedema diagnosis.
Published: 20 April, 2021
A dancer her entire life, this elite performer eventually faced eight bouts of cellulitis. At a critical juncture in 2011, she woke to a feverish infection; her limb red, hot, and hard. Would lymphedema steal her dream?
Published: 31 March, 2021
A lymphedema diagnosis pulled the rug out from under her dreams. Find out why she says "It's beautiful on the other side."
Published: 31 March, 2021

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