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Lymphedema Patient Roundtable

Lymphedema can be challenging, but you don’t have to face it alone. Join us live as our panel of patients and experts answer your questions and talk about life with lymphedema.

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@ 8:00 PM EST

Lipedema Patient Roundtable

Be inspired by some of the top social influencers and clinical minds in the lipedema world! Our monthly Roundtables offer candid talk, real-life advice, and lots of encouragement.

Third Wednesday of Every Month
@ 8:00 PM EST

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Lipedema Patient Roundtable: August 2024

Published: 27 August, 2024

The August Lipedema Patient Roundtable was a star-studded hour featuring exciting developments in the world of lipedema from special guests Karen Ashforth, MS, OTR/L, CLT-LANA, and Susan O’Hara.

Karen Ashforth introduced plans for exciting and groundbreaking lipedema research she will be conducting alongside Dr. Karen Herbst, and put out the call for subject and research assistant volunteers based in Arizona. Interested parties should contact the team at lipedemastudy@gmail.com and review the webinar “Identifying and Treating Lipedema-Related Fibrosis” for insights about the study topic.

Meanwhile, prolific author and lipedema patient advocate Susan O’Hara has created a new non-profit, the American Lipedema Association, to represent the patient community in the United States. The group is intended to support and connect those affected while increasing awareness and education.

Susan has also been busy developing footwear for lipedema feet, and the audience received updates on progress made to bring these shoes to market.

Dry eye syndrome, chronic inflammation, semaglutide and insurance challenges, and a recent “nerve tour” were shared by Pattie Cornute, who encouraged us all to “Stay focused on what you have control over.”

The lipedema journey is fraught with highs and lows – and right after last month’s show, Angelique Charles suffered a fall. How to handle a fall (mentally, physically, and emotionally) is an important conversation to have, and The Lippy Butterfly’s candor was appreciated by all. Her rendition of the song “We fall down, but we get up” will give you goosebumps!

Special thanks to our anchor panelists, moderator, and guests for always making the Roundtable “must-see TV” each month: 

    As sponsor of the monthly Lipedema Patient Roundtables, Lympha Press helps patients obtain the pneumatic compression therapy they need to manage their condition. Next month will feature a patient’s experience from visiting the Roundtable to obtaining a prescription, and how connecting with her Lympha Press representative helped the process go smoothly. You don’t have to wait until next month to get started, though! Visit www.lymphapress.com for more information. 

    This Roundtable was recorded live on August 21, 2024, and has been edited for time. The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Lympha Press.

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    Lymphedema Patient Roundtable

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