With thirty-six episodes in the vault, the Lipedema Patient Roundtable celebrated its third anniversary with some trips down memory lane. A special guest in honor of Lipedema Awareness Month was Paula Donahue, PT, DPT, MBA, CLT-LANA, one of the authors of the Standard of Care for Lipedema in the United States. She fielded a host of questions about active and passive compression, heat or burning/tingling in limbs, how to raise awareness, and much more.
Lotions and a Lippy Butterfly potion, silver linings of jeans not ripping (!), and how to deal with being overwhelmed were also discussed. Angelique Charles shared what the Roundtable has meant to her, which was received with hearts all around when she said, “It has become my family.”
Lympha Press’s support for the lipedema community was acknowledged, with the Roundtables offering a safe, fun, and comfortable space to connect with others who are facing the physical and mental challenges of this condition with grace, resilience, creativity, and humor. And many attendees posted in chat that they were pumping in their Lympha Press while watching the webinar! To find out more about how the Lympha Press Optimal Plus can help you, visit www.lymphapress.com.
Special thanks to the anchor panelists:
- Jenny Beaujean (@jenny_beaujean)
- Siouxie Boshoff (@lipedema.living)
- Angelique Charles (@thelippybutterfly)
- Pattie Cornute (@lipedemafitness)
- Cara Cruz (@palegingerpear)
- Brenda Viola (@BrendaViola_ViciCommunications)
The Lipedema Patient Roundtables are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 PM EST and are sponsored by Lympha Press, which offers compression therapy systems like the Optimal Plus compression pump and Lympha Pants garment to effectively treat lipedema patients. To learn more about how Lympha Press can help you, reach out at lymphapress.com/contact-us.